Insider Financial stated…
“Independent bodies govern P2P security
One example of a company that is working closely on the issue of security is P2PS — the P2P Solutions Foundation. As an independent body governed by the Foundation Council, P2PS has been authorized to create a worldwide network of digital services that are not only intended to act as an alternative to traditional P2P networks, but that also facilitate and allow stakeholders to oversee productive growth as well.
Much of this focus has taken the form of the P2PS Token ICO — billed as the world’s first block-chain powered, totally secure, peer-to-peer and interference-free digital communications platform designed to both securely store and exchange data ranging from cryptocurrency information to government classified data and absolutely everything in between. This has allowed the Foundation to govern the development of components like crypto-token wallets and other fundamental elements within a particular ecosystem, all in an effort to better integrate transaction economies for stakeholders all over the world.”…
For details on P2PS ICO and to participate, please visit