Interview with Jameel Shariff, CEO and Council Member, P2PS
By Alexandru Crucean -
May 22, 2018
Interview with Jameel Shariff, CEO and Council Member, P2PS
1. Where did you have the idea to start P2P Solutions Foundation?
It started back in 2010 when our team was trying to explore possibilities of sending copyrighted material from education material publishers over to lock down computer devices used by the educational system developed by Electronic Learning Inc. We did not find any viable and effective solution on a global level that could send such copyright material in the form of large digital data files from one device to another or even several devices without having a copy of that transmission saved on the servers. That triggered the process of exploring possibilities of developing our own system to overcome the challenges we were facing. Therefore, we started the research and development process and developed our own proprietary push-system. Then we went to banks and in talking to the fintech professionals, we discovered that they too were facing similar challenges since predominantly all banks use locked down systems where the end users are not allowed to use any kind of a USB flash drive or CD and DVD drives. After that we researched the government establishments and medical facilities. It was a long process trying to determine our target market segments that could use the push-system we had built. Almost everyone trying to exchange sensitive digital information were facing similar challenges and that prompted us to undertake further research related to the market size. The results were mind boggling. We found that only from 49 countries we have a target available market of about 1.5 billion end users off which the serviceable obtainable market is about 772 million end users. That was big enough for us to start the ball rolling and subsequently build a system that’s easy to use and intuitive to the habits of end users. So, here we are with a fully functional product ready to be integrated on the blockchain to make it even more efficient for all stakeholders.
2. What makes P2PS different?
You may be aware that anything that you exchange digitally with anyone, anywhere, is not private by any privacy standards; including information exchanged on your own “private” intranet corporate networks.
As an example of the private intranet networks, the Systems administrator or network administrator has access to your files that you send to another person within the same network. By extension, every single network you use anywhere, uses the same principle. Therefore, even before your targeted recipient has received your digital data, someone else has already accessed it or maybe even viewed it before your sent message has reached the recipient’s inbox or system.
And when we talk about storing or exchanging information outside of our private intranets, then anything that can be stored by a third party service provider, doesn’t matter where its stored, even if its stored in space, still has a third party interference. It is not private by any privacy standards, isn’t it?
Therefore, P2PS is designed as a pure peer-to-peer platform which safeguards, for example, your medical records, banking information and other sensitive digital assets, during exchange between two parties. Such platforms today are simply nonexistent.
3. How is the ICO going so far?
The ICO is going great so far. It has been a new learning experience for all our team members. It probably would have been lot easier to just outsource the execution of the ICO to a third party service provider but I guess we would have missed out on all the valuable lessons that we are now learning, every step of the way, one day at a time.
4. On what exchange are you planning to list P2PS utility token after the ICO?
P2PS token is already approved by a few prominent, modern and secure exchanges for listing. Since some of the exchanges were recently hacked, we are being cautious and do not want to commit any mistakes. We are not in a hurry to list our tokens. We shall approve of the listing on a particular exchange only when we have the assurance from them that they have taken adequate precautions against being hacked.
5. What can you tell us about the team behind this project?
We have a highly motivated and diverse team with a strong multi-cultural and multi-national background, whose goal is to make a real difference in global, decentralized, secure and interference-free, Peer-to-Peer Communication Systems platform.
Although every single team member and staff is extremely important to us, we are very proud and are truly blessed to have industry and tech leaders as part of our team. Since we may not have enough time to talk about all, I will mention some of our notable team members who constitute part of our multi-cultural, multi-national team.
First off, Mr. David Drake is the director on our advisory board. David was born in Sweden and is the Founder & Chairman of LDJ Capital that is headquartered in New York. LDJ has over 50 global directors and family office partners with $1.5 trillion in managed assets.
Next, Mr. Ken Tachibana, ethnically from Japan, is the Founder of Intelligence Capital and is associated with ICO of Things for a long time now. Ken is both a technical as well as a finance specialist with Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science from UC Berkeley and Stanford University respectively. Ken also has a Masters in Economics from Stanford University and as if that wasn’t enough Ken also completed his MBA in Finance from UC Berkeley.
Then, Mr. Ian Scarffe who is a Business Ambassador, Blockchain Consultant, Strategist as well as an advisor. Ian is Serial Entrepreneur, investor & consultant with valuable insights into every working aspect of organisations you can possibly think of. Although Ian specializes in Blockchain and ICO Advisory, not many people may be aware that Ian is ranked # 2 as an ICO expert on ICO bench, a world renowned ICO rating agency.
Then, Mike Shokin is a Chartered Financial Analyst with expertise in Corporate finance, Bitcoin, and Blockchain derivatives. Mike is an equity research analyst at ING Barings & also teaches at NYU. Mike has Advanced degrees in finance from Baruch College, New York and SOAS, London.
Moreover, we have Dr. Waleed Al Oriny who is a technologist with Bachelors and Masters in computer Science. He also has a PhD in computer systems engineering from Reading University, UK. Dr. Waleed has extensive experience in telecommunication and IT. His expertise includes Voice and Data network designing and implementation, along with Information & Telecom security.
Similarly, we have Sean Brizendine who has been associated with blockchain from its very early days. Sean Brizendine is a blockchain specialist who has been associated with several successfully funded ICOs.
Although we have other important team members working hard behind the scenes, let us wrap up with one more notable team member that is Jatinder Kumar. Jatin is a marketing officer with a strong technical as well as business administration background. Jatinder is ethnically from India and has a Bachelor’s of Engineering as well as an MBA to his credit.
6. What are the future plans of P2PS?
The future for P2PS is very bright. With a serviceable obtainable market of over 770 million and a total supply of only 100 million tokens, we see a huge demand for our P2PS tokens in due course of time, especially when we have launched the platform on blockchain.
Today everything is transitioning to digital transactions whether it is, ecommerce, banking or even ownership of real estate property and everything that you could possibly think of. Unfortunately, there is no other system that offers you the security that you need through a pure peer to peer network in order to exchange such sensitive digital data. Therefore, we anticipate a huge demand once the proliferation of the platform happens and it is accepted in several countries. The only way for you to procure our tokens when such a need for you arises is through the public exchanges where the demand will inevitably drive the price up. Isn’t it a natural phenomenon? Therefore, since the P2PS tokens are the only way anyone wanting to use the secure, interference-free platform can access it, anyone who buys the tokens at this early stage will eventually have the opportunity to transfer them to people in need of the tokens in order to benefit from our platform and system.
Jameel Shariff, CEO and Council Member, P2PS, a third generation entrepreneur, with advanced degrees from European and US educational institutions. Some people consider him to be a visionary. One of the reasons is because Jameel co-founded a company back in 2004, focused on challenging the status quo in traditional education and migrating the education system to electronic format, which is today popularly known as eLearning (eLearning=Electronic Learning).
The corporation was named Electronic Learning Inc. (ELI) back in the days when no common person would have thought of eLearning. Most people confuse eLearning to be “Online Learning” but eLearning is much more than just an online learning format. One of the other reasons is that Jameel co-founded Innovative Solutions International Inc. (ISI), a research and development corporation incorporated in USA, through which they developed the push system in 2010. They conducted extensive research and continued to develop a secure, interference free, peer to peer, digital delivery platform that is today acknowledged as being much needed by every organization that genuinely cares to protect the privacy of their digital assets, whether the government or the various corporate sectors such as banks, hospitals and content publishers. Third party evaluations resulted in acknowledging that the platform has no comparable substitutes, alternatives or parallels on a global level.
With regards to Jameel’s academic diplomas, his qualifications include, but are not limited to, four years Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management (BSBM) from USA, and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Management, also from USA. Both BSBM and MBA were awarded to him with highest honor and distinction of “Summa Cum Laude”. He has also attended several executive management courses and has a few more diplomas to his credit from Stanford University, California, USA, that include a Diploma in IT and a Diploma in Software Security from Stanford Engineering. He took courses in cryptography offered by Stanford and learnt from some of the best professors in the world namely Professor Dan Boneh and Professor Neil Daswani among others of the Computer Science Department. Jameel is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education.
Along with other directors who are inducted on the board of directors from time to time, Jameel sits on the board of ELI, ISI & now P2P Solutions Foundation too. He is actively monitoring the operations and also assists in guiding them to achieve corporate objectives, for the benefit and protection of all current and future stakeholders.