The New Peer to Peer Platform — P2PSF
P2PS, or Peer-to-Peer Solutions, is a crypto token based on ERC20 Ethereum blockchain technology and was developed in 2014 by the P2PS Foundation team. The foundation is an independent organization supervised by the Foundation Council. ERC is the synonym used to denote ‘Ethereum Request for Comments’ and its ID number is 20. The Ethereum token, ERC20 has a set of guidelines which needs to be observed within the set order to complete the transaction, which is different from BTC token. The tokens are digital assets which have different values attached to it. Basically, ERC20 tokens work on Ethereum blockchain. The ERC20 tokens contain two events and six functions.
The primary purpose of Peer to Peer Solutions Foundation is to allow it’s users to communicate with each other and transfer digital assets without any interference from the third party. Thus you can share any form of data such as medical records, classified data, banking data, or other such sensitive data without any hesitation or doubt. Investing in P2P helps to develop and promote an environment which is more secure and interference-free and where transactions are processed quickly without any hassles. The pre-programmed software manages the interactions between parties, and there is no human interaction, and changes are carried out on consensus.
P2PS token
P2PS token allows the users to have the right to use the P2PSF platform. As the P2PS token is based on the ERC20 blockchain technology, it can easily be transferred between users having ERC20 compatible wallets. The P2PS Foundation provides its users with excellent services and products at very reasonable prices. It also allows you to hold P2PS tokens for a longer period of time for monetary gains as the value of these tokens are certainly going to appreciate with time.
Market Impact
Currently, the market for P2PS token exists in countries such as the United States; Canada; Middle Eastern countries like Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia; and North African countries. P2PSF estimates that in the next five years more countries are going to adopt this digital, interference-free system.
During the ICO phase, the users will be allowed to purchase the token on bonus. The fees collected from the sale of these tokens would later be used for the purpose of development of the platform as well as the token. These tokens can be bought by the users againstthe payment in BTC, LTE, BCH, and ETH. It is estimated that the service obtainable market of P2PS users will grow from 750 million users to more than 1 billion users in the coming years. The total available market at the same time is expected to grow to 1.5 billion users.
Initial Coin Offering
The pre-sale started on November 16, 2017, and the first phase of the ICO is going to end on February 28, 2018.The P2PS token can be purchased by anyone residing in any part of the world without any restrictions. The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and pre-sale shall be carried out on the Ethereum network.
The sale will happen at, and users can buy the tokens by paying with any major cryptocurrencies. After that, the P2PS token is going to get listed on various exchanges such as Coinone, Cryptopia, Waves DEX, Mist, MyEtherWallet, and so on.
One can use this token on various peer-to-peer networks, and the use is not limited to just trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. The user buying the P2PS must make sure that they understand the functioning of cryptocurrency and the risks associated with it.
The use of P2PS has been encouraged by companies like Electronic Leaning Inc. (ELI) and a consortium of ISI groups. The P2PSF and these companies will work together in tandem to create a stable, decentralized, and secure ecosystem that provides its users with economic services and products. The ELI and ISI are not only the first largest promoters but also one of the few companies to incorporate P2PS in their respective platforms.
Decentralized networks and crypto exchanges have a lot of demand,and tokens such as P2PS are here to fulfil the requirements. The P2PS token would start working by initially ending the traditional license system in entities.
Here we need to mention the Push System Protocol (PSP) which was developed by the ISI, an American company, in the year 2010 and plays an integral part in the functioning of the company. Now, it is mandatory to have the P2PS crypto tokens if people want to use the PSP system. Hence, if you’re going to buy the products and services of these companies, you ought to possess P2PS tokens.
When it comes to incorporating P2PS tokens in various entities, this could prove to be a difficult task as the users tend to oppose any new changes. But the P2PSF along with its promoters is making sure to clear all the apprehensions and making it a user-friendly, secured, confidential, convenient, and easy to use crypto token.
With the promotion of P2PS token by these companies, there is a high expectation that the token will have quicker mass adoption and acceptance by enterprises all over the world. Also, as every user of ELI and ISO has to purchase these tokens in order to transact on their platforms, the popularity of the token is expected to increase very soon and the value is going to get really high as well.
The P2PSF has decided to launch the P2PS token at the value of 0.0002 BTC. However, the primary focus would be to increase its value over the time and form a robust P2PS ecosystem. The money received from the sale of these tokens will be using in a phased manner in areas such as hardware, software, advisory fees, website development, social media teams, accounting teams, and legal teams. The P2PSF team will keep half of the funds to invest in major cryptocurrency to ensure liquidity. It is also important to note that P2PS is just a crypto token, a medium, and is not a share or security. Hence acquiring P2PS would not give its users any control or right over P2PSF.